Apr 6, 2020
Assistant Professor of Earth and Space Sciences at West Chester University, Christopher Roemmele, teaches Science Education Methods classes (Secondary, Middle Grades, and Elementary) and Introductory Geology. Christopher was a classroom teacher before becoming a university professor. He supervises student teachers, runs committees, prepares lessons, presents at conferences, and publishes his research. He encourages science teachers to not just provide vocabulary and have students write definitions but to reflect on how they are teaching science skills. He encourages teachers to think about “What’s Your Story” when writing your lesson plan. Think about the lesson as a story with a beginning, middle, and end. Think about where you want students to go by the end of the story. He says to not worry about time break down for each part of the lesson when creating the lesson plan. Christopher discusses using demos to help students make connections. He encourages us to think of the story as a “Bridge of understanding from the known to the unknown”.